This morning I am born again - Woodie Guthrie, Slaid Cleaves

09.07.2021 23:10 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 09.07.2021 23:55)

This Morning I Was Born Again
Words by Woody Guthrie, Music by Slaid Cleaves

This morning I was born again and a light shines on my land
I no longer look for heaven in your deathly distant land
I do not want your pearly gates, don’t want your streets of gold
This morning I was born again and a light shines on my soul

This morning I was born again, I was born again complete
I stood up above my troubles and I stand on my two feet
My hand it feels unlimited, my body feels like the sky
I feel at home in the universe where yonder planets fly

This morning I was born again, my past is dead and gone
This great eternal moment is my great eternal dawn
Each drop of blood within me, each breath of life I breathe
Is united with these mountains and the mountains with the sea

I feel the sun upon me, it’s rays crawl through my skin
I breathe the life of Jesus and old John Henry in
I give myself, my heart, my soul to give some friend a hand
This morning I was born again; I am in the promised land

This morning I was born again and a light shines on my land
I no longer look for heaven in your deathly distant land
I do not want your pearly gates, don’t want your streets of gold
And I do not want your mansion for my heart is never cold.

Hinweis: John Henry war ein legendärer Arbeiterheld: (Johnny Cash) (this is so beautiful!!) (Omeleto) (Denzel Washington, B. B. King)


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